
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Madrid - Retiro Park

July 20, 2008
A visit to the Retiro Park in central Madrid in the morning can be a relaxing experience. Built in the early 18th century ( 1868) by King Phillip the IVth as a retreat for the Royal Spanish Family. the park is spread over 360 acres and has a lake in the centre and another small lake on the west side. There are some beautiful buildings in the park including a museum.

The park is a very popular place , particularly on weekends where families come for picnics and leisure. The park has beautiful gardens which offer a place for respite and relaxation. It also has numerous statues but probably the most well known is the El Angel CaĆ­do. It is dedicated to Satan, possibly the only such statue in Europe.

The Retiro is also a favourite place for performing artists and includes street theatres as well as performing musical bands which also take this opportunity sell there music on CD's

Street Performers in the Park

Relaxing in the Park

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Madrid at Night

Madrid Town Hall at Night
Church in Goya
Views of Gran Via Close-up of a building in Gran Via

Friday, August 1, 2008

Almudena Cathedral - Madrid

Located opposite the Palaceo Real ( Royal Palace), this neogothic cathedral is a magnificiant building called La Almudena after the virgin of Almudena to whom it is dedictated. The stunning blue facade is a delight to see.
The cathedral is stunning building with a bright and modern interior

The interior of the cathedral is full of light coming from the beutifully stained windows and the multicoloured ceiling. Its grand grezing organ adds to the grandeur and gets played on Sundays and holidays.
The huge central dome measures 20 Mtrs in diametre

The beautiful stained glass windows in the cathedral are not be missed