
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Diwali - The Festival of Lights

Diwali - the festival of lights is a major Hindu Festival and is celebrated in India by lighting lights and lamps . These lights and lamps signifies victory of Good over Evil.
In Hinduism, it is the homecoming of Lord Rama after 14years of Exile in a forest and after his victory over the Demon Ravana.

Diwali also signifies the end of the harvest season in most of India. Traditionally, it also marks the end of financial year of a businesses and closure of books of accounts. Prayers are offered to the Goddess of Wealth - Laxmi for prosperity and wealth through the coming year. Doors of houses are left open on Diwali so that the Laxmi can enter the house and bring wealth with her.

Entrances to houses are decorated with flowers and intricate designsCandles lit outside a house in Gurgaon
Crackers, rockets and other fireworks are a Major attraction on Diwali. The evening can be extremely noisy with crackers being burst all around. The night is totally lit up with fireworks.Night View of houses lit up at Diwali

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