
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

St. Pauls Cathedral - London

It's Christmas Eve and my thoughts go to this universal festival that is celebrated throughout the world - whether it is Christian West or China and India where Christianity is in a minority. One historic landmark of Christianity is St Paul's Cathedral in London where Christmas is ushered in with Christmas Carols and midnight mass.

St. Paul's Cathedral - London
Built in 1678 by Wren in a late Renaissance and baroque style and consecrated in 1708, the cathedral is the spiritual home of London and one of its most famous landmarks.

Lantern from the East West End Clock Tower West Front - St Paul's Cathedral Dome and Upper South Transept Anita and Utsav in the South of the Cathedral Tourists in front of St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's was used for the marriage of Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer . The religious service for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee was also celebrated there.

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