A large wading bird, the grey heron is found across Asia. It has a white head and a bright pinkish yellow beak. Feeds in shallow water and lives on fish and frogs. Their flight is slow with necks retracted into the body. The call is a load croaking that sound like 'phraaank'.

The birds breed in colonies on trees next to lakes and wetlands.

Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
There are four subspecies:
Ardea cinerea cinerea Linnaeus, 1758. Europe, Africa, western Asia
Ardea cinerea jouyi Clark, 1907. Eastern Asia
Ardea cinerea firasa Hartert, 1917. Madagascar
Ardea cinerea monicae Jouanin & Roux, 1963. Islands off Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania.
Ardea cinerea cinerea Linnaeus, 1758. Europe, Africa, western Asia
Ardea cinerea jouyi Clark, 1907. Eastern Asia
Ardea cinerea firasa Hartert, 1917. Madagascar
Ardea cinerea monicae Jouanin & Roux, 1963. Islands off Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania.